The Studio
tapestry 1
tapestry 2
Table runners
Cuddly toys
Childrens clothes
Hats, Baskets
Mitten, Socks and Caps
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Made by:
These Hanging tapestrys are
made i Finnweaving (double weav). They are mostly made in pure wool but also partly in
flax. Sizes from 10 * 10 cm to widthes of 75 cm and lengths up to 400 cm. There are all
kinds of motives, including many symbols from "The Tapestry of Överhogdal". If
you hav your own motive I´m sure we can make it. |

Copy of one part of the Tapestry of Överhogdal,
2 meters long.
Motives from other villages
than Överhogdal.

Bo 01 = 500:- SEK |
Bo 02 = 500:- SEK |
Bo 03 = 300:- SEK |
Bo 05 = 700:- SEK |
Bo 07 = 200:- SEK |
Bo 08 = 400:- SEK |
Bo 09 = 500:- SEK |
Bo 13 = 5,000:- SEK
(70*120 cm, with fringe) |
Bo 14 = 200:- SEK |
Bo 15 = 200:- SEK |
Bo 16 = 500:- SEK |
Bo 17 = 150:- SEK |
Bo 18 = 150:- SEK |
Bo 19 = 90:- SEK |
Bo 20 = 90:- SEK |
Bo 21 = 90:- SEK |
Bo 22 = 90:- SEK |
Bo 23 = 150:- SEK |
Bo 24 = 8,500:- SEK |
Bo 25 = 2,000 SEK |
Prices inklude tax. Packing is added.
Go to Ordering. |

Eija Koivumaa makes long
hanging tapestrys, up to four meters. Here you can see copys of one part of The Tapestry
of Överhogdal.

Kontact Eija for price. |

Also take a look at Hanging tapestry 2.